Tool to support Project Based Learning

Hello H5P Community,

i asked myself , if it is possible to create an H5P content type, that supports project based learning. Long time ago i read about a program that was used in different grades to organize computer supported collaborative learning processes. The function was basically - a litttle bit simplified -that students could pose a question and the others could comment on the question, formulate a hypothesis, etc.. So the knowledge of the students becomes visible and they can work collaborative on a topic. It is something like a forum, but more specific and structured.   

The program i read about is called "Computer Supported Intention Learning Environment" (CSILE) and the newer version is called Knowledge Forum.

I don't know if something similar to this program or perhaps some aspects of the colllaborative project based approach would be technically possible in H5P. But I would support it definitely! :-)

Best Greetings


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otacke's picture

Hi Max!

Currently, H5P does not allow to create content types that allow collaboration - but the MultiplayerAPI that will enable that option is just around the corner (for first at least). Such a content type would still have to be created, but it will be possible then.



Hi Oliver,

that sounds great. I think there is a gap in terms of collaborative project-based learning tools for students. Most of the tools for collaboration are not very specific. I stumbled upon this Knowledge Forum program and was very impressed with the basic idea. Unfortunately, I couldn't find out whether the program still exists today. Unfortunately, I'm a teacher and not a developer. My programming knowledge is limited to


digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

But if I could make a contribution to such a content type, I would be there right away!

Best Greetings from Hamburg


otacke's picture

Hi Max!

Feel free to join the close to four year old discussion at :-)

Best (also from Hamburg),