Fullscreen option in Agamotto

It would be really helpful if it was possible to include a small version of an Agamotto resource in a page, and then click on this to get a full-screen version.

The 'allowfullscreen' code works like this with the image slider, but doesn't do the same for Agamotto.


Fullscreen option for Agamotto
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi anna_rr,

Thank you for your suggestion. I would suggest that you also post a your suggestion in the github repository of the author of the content Otacke.


otacke's picture

Hi Anna!

Thanks for your suggestion. I've put it on my list of things that I need to do. I cannot give you a good time estimate though.




something new since 2017 for this request ?

otacke's picture

Hi lapalmep!

Sorry to say: In three years, nobody in the community seems to have been willing to invest some of their own time to learn coding for H5P, to convince a developer to do the job in his/her free time, to try to ask more people to show their interest in this feature by leaving "votes" here or to raise funds, e. g. via crowd-funding, to pay someone. I guess that this particular feature may not be that important?



otacke's picture

Hi all!

Someone solved your problem for you :-P


The H5P core team will still have to release the update though.

