Interactive Book

When using Interactive books where does the submissions go to if someone clicks on the 'submit report' button. How can I decide where they go? 


Thanks in advance for any help.



BV52's picture

Hi Joe,

H5P emits data in the form of xAPI statements and you will need a plugin or custom code to listen to these statements and a data store such as a learning record store to save them in. 

I highly recommend looking through these documentation:



Thanks for the help I'll have a read




Is it possible to change the font size or even better widen the Page headers?  I have some titles that are longer so only part of them show on the page summary/table of contents.  I know that the whole description shows at the bottom when used but it will be harder for students to use when the page/headers are not fully visible in the contents.




BV52's picture

Hi holmana,

There are 2 ways for this to happen. Someone from the community or the core team adds a feature to adjust the size or you can use the CSS feature outlined in this documentation. Please note that this feature is not enabled by default in and if you want it enabled please reach out to the support by following the instructions on this page.