Moodle 3.10.1+ integration with problem

il_cosmo's picture

I made a Moodle 3.10.1+ installation where I saw an H5P plugin (mod_h5pactivity) identified by a blue icon; trying to add H5P content to a course I can't edit it, the server tells me to wait.

I then tried to install the old mod_hvp plugin (identified by a black icon) and using it the content is added and edited without problems.

Do you have any suggestions?

otacke's picture

Hi il_cosmo!

The mod_h5pactivity (blue icon) implementation was not created by the H5P core team, but by the moodle team. I assume that you will find more people able to answer you at


il_cosmo's picture

Thank you so much Oliver... sorry for my ignorance but I didn't know this difference!

I'll try to submit my question on the forum you suggested to me and which is certainly more correct.

All the best.


otacke's picture

Hi Cosmo!

No need to apologize. I agree that this is not obvious and will likely cause more confusion in the future. Maybe this page will help a little:


il_cosmo's picture

Hi Oliver ...very interesting reading! Thank's a lot.

However, for your information, I have deepened with the help of the Moodle forum; it would seem that in the Moodle installation/upgrade procedure a database table has not been correctly generated: the 'tutorial' column is missing in the 'h5p_libraries' table in the database.

otacke's picture

Hey, thanks for the update. Then my gut feeling was correct: a problem with moodle's core implementation not the H5P plugin, so better chances for an answer on

