OpenAtrium 2 and H5P error


I'm trying to use Drupal (OpenAtrium 7.x-2.60-rc1) and h5p. when I try to create an interactive content I got  "You must choose an H5P content type or upload an H5P file." error. Does anybody have an idea? 

Thank you. :)



falcon's picture


Try to follow these instructions :)

Hi, thank you very much for your response. I've already uploaded the library. 

After I designed the interactive content I got the error message as in the second attachment. I don't know if it's about the OpenAtrium?

Thank you.

falcon's picture

Ah, I see. I guess we'll just have to test H5P with Open Atrium 2 to figure our what's going on here. Will make an issue for the core team to do that.

As a temporary solution, I've created a new content type (CreateInteractiveContent :) ) and added term reference field letting me create a new interactive content. See the attachment. Now to create a interactive content I create a "createInteractiveContent" content :)


falcon's picture

hmmm... :)
icc's picture

The H5P Editor isn't getting the form submission event that it need to process its data. It get's confused since the same form tag is placed multiple times inside itself. This seems to be a known issue with the Panels Everywhere module which OpenAtrium relies upon. I believe this is the appropriate issue, and it has been fixed:

I guess you'll have to apply the patch on your site if you wish for it to work right away. Or you can wait for a new release of the module and then wait for OpenAtrium to include it and release a new version.

I'm sorry there isn't much more we can do. Thank you for reporting the issue!

I guess I'll wait a little more.

Thank you.