Single Choice Set - Solutions displayed in a single list.


I would need to show all the solutions at the end of the test one after another, I mean in a single div without overflow nor scrolling.

The present visualization with an overflowing scrolling div isn't usable at all. How could I change the CSS and modify this layout?

To avoid the full width I had to embed it in a two-column row in WordPress. No chance to have a minimum configuration of the whole layout !?!?

And BTW: all the first answers are the correct ones! Sorry, great mistake! Every user with a bit of brain will immediately see the trick and understand how to skip making the wrong choice.  HOW TO FIX THIS SLIP?

Last but not least: there's no "Start the quiz" button in the first place. Poorly projected. Sorry.

Advice for developers: I like H5P a lot but so many layouts and features need improvement if you would like to make it work as an educational tool. Coding and functionality are paramount but these days usability and marketing-oriented methods are way more important.


Marino Baccarini /

Single Choice Set
Content types: 
otacke's picture

Hi Marino!

No need to get aggravated, I think.

1) If you want to customize the CSS, you should have a look at the documentation. Also, H5P is open source software, so if you want to change the result screen to e.g. expand, feel free to do that. The source code can be obtained from as listed on There's also a feature request forum that you can use to suggest changes.

2) H5P content will always scale to the full width. If running on WordPress, then you could use a column. You could also use a div element wrapping the shortcode and specify width, position, etc. that way. For instance you coud use

<div style="width:50%;">
[h5p id="your-id"]

3) It may be an unusual choice to define the correct answer as the first option given, but it saves you one click for assigning what option is correct. You say: "Every user with a bit of brain will immediately see the trick and understand how to skip making the wrong choice." Have you noticed that in the actual exercise the order of the answer options are random?

4) "there's no "Start the quiz" button in the first place. Poorly projected" - Do you care to elaborate why you think so?
