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"...since this page is not served using HTTPS. Please contact the author, and ask him to make this available using HTTPS"

Thanx for your great job but this is something I still don get:

I have a Moodle site with HTTPS, I'm asking you is it true that If even a single picture, on the entire Moodle site, is hosted on NON HTTPS server the Record activity cannot be used?

Content types: 
otacke's picture

Hi MrMak55!

The https error (if it is really that, see below) doesn't have anything to do with other resources being loaded but only cares about the site that the H5P iframe lives in.

Unfortunately, the error message can be deceiving, because it can have multiple causes - not only unencrypted sites. Please find the section "NotAllowedError" at for more information. Could also be restrictive user or even server settings, see

