Download Displays Garbled Code(?) in WordPress

Our team created several objects with H5P in Moodle, then downloaded them from there and uploaded them to our H5P-enabled Wordpress site so more than one people could work on each at a time (Moodle doesn't allow editing of another instructor's objects, it seems).

The plugins work fine on Wordpress. When trying to download them so we could upload the finished objects to Moodle, we do everything requuired - i.e., check that Download is enabled for the object, click on the name of the object, then on 'Reuse', then on 'Download as an .h5p file'. Instead of a prompt to save the file, we get a garbled 'code view' (or someting along these lines?) as per the image attached. This is the same in Firefox, Edge, and Chrome, all running on Windows 10.

ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

When trying to download H5P file from WordPress it opens instead in 'code view'
BV52's picture

Hi rwinkler,

This thread should help with this issue.


Thank you so much for the quick and kind response! Genuinely appreciated. (My apologies if my original post may have appeared in multiple versions, but the forum kept crashing when I tried to save it hence I was never sure if any of it succeeded).