Kaltura Videos in H5P content

We have been able to successfully link a Kaltura video for example in a H5P scenario branch or interactive book but the captions do not seem to appear. I know that there is an option to add a track but would anyone be able to please tell me what the best options are to ensure that the captions are visible on the video when it is played in H5P? 

Captions are not appearing when linking a Kaltura video in H5P
Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Dominique,

I am not familiar in using Kaltura with H5P however uploading a VTT file under Text Tracks might work.



Thank you very much for your response. 

I managed to download the .srt file of the Kaltura video and convert that to a WebVTT file which was then uploaded to the track. This worked really well but this might not be a long-term solution. 

BV52's picture

Hi Dominique,

I'm not sure what you meant with "long-term solution", since uploading the VTT file in interactive video provides the option to have captions. Another possible route would be if Kaltura creates an API that also serves the captions when you used in IV.


martinrbrown's picture

Hi Dominique,

I'm impressed that you figured out how to use a Kaltura link in H5P. Can you please share the steps you took to make it work?


