'Greying' out of questions


I work with a team developing vocational learning and assessment resources for government organisations here in New Zealand.  We align these with nationally recognised qualifications so have a summative assessment which learners complete which is built around auto-marked questions.  We use Moodle quiz.  We build question sets where each question in each set is of the same type i.e. Qset1 Q1 multi-choice, Qset2 Q1 multi-choice etc.  We then randomise which question is presented.  The learner gets three attempts to complete the correct answer - each subsequent attempt after the first attempt only presents the incorrect responses, the correct responses are 'greyed' out.  The techs tell me they are able to do this because they have modified Moodle to create this feature.  Our instructional designers are frustrated by the question type limitations of Moodle quiz and have seen the potential of using H5P but unfotunately we are told that it doesn't support the 'greying' out of correct responses for questions.  Is there anyone out there that has looked at whether H5P could be adapted to make this possible OR has created other Moodle quiz question types that go beyond the current limited types available?  If you are able to help that would be fantastic.




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otacke's picture

Hi tmack!

I am not quite sure if I understand correctly what you want to achieve, but H5P is openly sourced, so in theory there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to modify the code to suit your needs.

You should know, however, that in contrast to moodle quizzes, H5P content types evaluate the answers on the client (in the browser), not on the server. That means that it's really not difficult to get hold of the correct answers by snooping in the page source a little. This may rule out the use for summative assessments if you mean "exams". Server-side evaluation is planned for H5P, but only for H5P.com.


I guess that highlights the issue - we don't want the learner to be able to access the correct answers.  Rather we want to avoid them having to repeat questions they have already successfully answered in second or subsequent attempts.  It seems this will preclude H5P, so the alternative is if you know of other Moodle question types that offer the variety of types we can see in H5P perhaps as plug-ins?

otacke's picture


I see. Such a feature could easily be created for H5P by wrapping other content types in a new content type (similar to Question Set) or potentially by modifying Question Set. But that would still be evaluated on the client.

I have never used moodle quizzes, so I guess I cannot help here.



papi Jo's picture


I suggest you ask your question on the Moodle Quiz forum at https://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=737