Result page interrupts interactive video in the middle

Dear team from H5P,

We created an interactive video with a couple of multiple choice tests in the middle and also choices, which let the user decide, which part of the video they like to jump to.

We have the problem that in the middle of the video it interrupts and there is a screen showing the summary of the questions so far answered.

How can we disable this screen or show it only in the end? Do we have fill out the last tab "Zusammenfassende Aufgabe" to accomplish that or is this a setting within the invidual interactive elements (multiple choice elements) we overlooked?

Attached is the H5P element we have the problem at 6:46min and also a picture showing the screen I'm referring to.

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BV52's picture

Hi ntjkazm,

I suggest that you remove the submit screen at the middle of the video. You can check this short video for steps on how to add/remove submit screens in Interactive Video.


It worked, problem solved, thanks!