
MeesterGijs's picture


Have a look at this short video taken from my phone. I use H5P on my Wordpress website. When a quiz has been completed and I click CHECK ANSWERS (NAKIJKEN in Dutch) the button to RETRY (OPNIEUW in Dutch) is overlayling the button of showing the correct answers. The quiz is thus not responsive on my Google Pixel 4XL, or any mobile phone. How can I fix this? Can we downsize all the info in the button so that all three do fit next to each other?



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otacke's picture

Have you possibly forgotten to link to the video?

MeesterGijs's picture

Yes I have. Sorry. Here is a screenshot. What I did now is lower the RETRY/OPNIEUW button, but I would prefer it to be responsive...


MeesterGijs's picture

I have. Sorry. Here is a screenshot:

I fixed it by lowering the RETRY/OPNIEUW button. But I would love for it to be responsive and on one line/aligned.
