Add Exportable text area as separate item to allow for notes taking

As our learning objects get bigger, using interactive book and branching it would now be good for the students to be able to take notes as they go through and learn and then export them later. Unfortunately the only way to do this is to add a whole course presentation and then add the exportable text area with "take notes here" then the student can make notes and export at the end. 

this is not very covenient when I just want to add the item on a page somewhere like in a column etc. So it would be good to have the exportable text area as a separate item to add anywhere

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otacke's picture


There's "Cornell Notes" that has been around for a while, but the H5P core team has not yet found the time to review and release it.



Thanks Oliver it looks useful. cheer Scott

stopbit's picture


I've tested Cornell Notes here on, wordpress and on Moodle 3.9.x. Each test the text entered by the user / student is not saved.

I take it you intend for these notes to be saved? Otherwise how is a user supposed to review their own notes?

Can someone please shed a little light on the expected behaviour - Are notes intended to be saved or not, and it's simply an exercise?


I agree with Stopbit. I think the Cornell Notes interaction is excellent but is flawed by the inability to save/download/print notes. Screen grabs aren't the answer if the text exceeds the available note taking area. If a button like the 'Create Document' button in the Documentation-tool interaction were incorporated, Cornell Notes would be my first choice app.

stopbit's picture

Oh Yes! "To print or not to print", is a valid question.

I'd like to print to PDF any notes, or as you suggest an export of the notes and accompanying content would be ideal.

Or both? It's going to be a helpful feature.

otacke's picture

You may want to take a look at

I assume more feature requests will come in once people found the content types, and I’ll gladly try fulfill wishes if they seem feasible, but I’ll need to find some free time or a sponsor first.


otacke's picture


Before you jump to any conclusions: Have you checked whether you have activated the "save content state" feature in your H5P plugin's settings? That's required as for all H5P content types that are supposed to save their state.


stopbit's picture

Hi Oliver,

Thank you, however I'm using Moodle core for H5P, rather than the stand alone plugin as this works much better within Moodle.

I have also customised H5P in my moodle instance using child theme changes, adding scripts, css, etc. to each individual H5P activity to better suit my needs. I'm working on another project to further expand functionality (i.e. TTS). I'm kind of committed to using the Moodle core version.

  • The Moodle core H5P activity settings do not a save content state option at all. This is a big problem for some activities (Interactive Book, etc.) as it doesn't save progress, unlike the Course Presentation activity, which does save progress.... go figure......
  • There is no option for this in wordpress too, as far as I am aware (oh yes, I have looked!).

Any suggestions?

otacke's picture


I know about the benefits and that issue. Please bug the moodle core team to add the "save content state" feature then. It's useful for other content types as well, not just for Essay (not my conclusion, see link). I'll not add workarounds just because some platform has not yet completed their custom integration.

The "Save Content State" option in fact is available for all the plugins that the H5P core team created, WordPress as well.


I have a similar issue. When I import the Cornell Notes in Moodle, the student has no button to click save. Therefore, even though I have "Save Content State" on, as soon as the student leaves the page, nothing is saved. 

This seems like I must be missing a very simple fix to allow the students to save their text entries. I have it set so the student can review their attempts as well - however, the issue seems to be there is no way for them to save their attempt.


otacke's picture


This will in fact depend on the timer interval that's set for your save content state option, because there's nothing to "check". H5P will also try to store the state when a page is closed or when the user switches to another tab, but the former can be unreliable. There's a pull request to improve saving the state already (, and a dedicated save button could also be an option.


I agree, it would be so good to have the exportable text available for the interactive book. I was hoping to include this at the bottom of each page for reflection, note taking, to download at the end of the "module".