Video option "vimeo and Weiyun"

Dear friends,

I have created interactive videos with videos embeded. if you are in europe/us ->vimeo is my option but for countries like China and Indonesia, I tried to put the same video in but I can not run it...


in the student mode it do not appear:


Does anyone has a solution for me?


Video embed for China
Content types: 
BV52's picture

Hi Dominique,

You need to use the URL/link for the video not the URL/link for the video player. You may reach out to Weiyun on how to retireve this, if this is not readily available.


FarukErdogan's picture

Hi Dominique,

Vimeo has different embed link options. The video has an Advanced gear icon > Distribution > Video file links, see the attached file.

Maybe, this helps you.

