itslearning and h5p

villon's picture

Moin community,

since my school has to/should switch to it'slearning in the meantime/or because they simply didn't find the opportunity to get to grips with moodle, which was available, I am wondering if there is any chance that h5p can be integrated into this system as a module. Of course there is the possibility to create static html, but I would find it labour-saving to have that in a module.

With best regards


Moin Gemeinde,

da meine Schule inzwischen auf it'slearning umsteigen muss/soll/oder weil sie einfach keine Gelegenheit fanden, sich mit moodle, das zur Verfügung stand, auseinanderzusetzen, überlege ich, ob da irgendeine Chance besteht, dass h5p in diesem System als Modul integriert werden kann. Natürlich besteht die Möglichkeit, statisches html zu erzeugen, aber ich fände es schon arbeitserleichternd, das in einem Modul zu haben.

Mit besten Grüßen


otacke's picture

Hi villon!

It is well possible to create your own H5P integration: moodle HQ has done it, there's one for ILIAS, there's one for Stud.IP, there's one for TYPO3, Lumi is one, ... I doubt though that the H5P core team has the resources to create and maintain yet another integration, so it's up to itslearning to integrate H5P.


villon's picture

Danke erst einmal Oliver für deine schnelle Antwort.
Ja ist verständlich, Ressourcen sind begrenzt, also werde ich mich an itlearning wenden und versuchen diese davon zu überzeugen, H5P zu integrieren.

First of all, thank you Oliver for your quick reply.
Yes is understandable, resources are limited, so I will contact itlearning and try to convince them to integrate H5P.



Dennis G's picture


I read somewhere there is some form of integration already for itsLearning. I was exploring this a few months ago as one of my schools switched to itsLearning a year ago and are thinking about the possibilities of h5p. I did find information about it on the h5p website, although I cannot remember exactly where.

villon's picture

Hello Dennis G,

first of all, thank you for your answer. But what should I do with it now? Because the forum search gives 0 hits.
And I should probably have done the web search sooner.

Greetings villon

by the way, to link here in this editor, doesn't work for me in FF 99.0 under Linux Mint 20.3. Sorry, the preview shows later, that content is a link, but it is also irritating in the first view, that I can not see, the link qualities. Egal.


Moin Dennis G,

erst mal danke für deine Antwort. Aber was soll ich jetzt damit anfangen? Weil die Forumssuche gibt dazu 0 Treffer.

Und die Websuche hätte ich wohl eher durchführen sollen.

Grüße villon