Images in Dialog Cards
Submitted by IDInk on Wed, 05/04/2022 - 18:13
I was creating dialog cards for a presentation as I wanted to show a set of buttons and then have people flip them to explain their functions.
I added photos of the buttons, but the card is now bigger and I cannot see how to alter or move the image around.
Is it possible to remove the space between the picture and the text or make the card come out smaller?
I've attached a picture of what it looks like.
Wed, 05/04/2022 - 21:22
Images in Dialog Cards
Hi IDInk again,
I think it would be helpfull to make the images a little big bigger.
Try it out. And maybe the next time it would be more helpfull to offer a h5p-file then a picture
Wed, 05/04/2022 - 22:15
I did make them bigger, but
I did make them bigger, but it still seems to have the issue. Is the picture area a set size and it just fits all of the image in it? Without the image, the items are smaller and fit better. No matter the image added, it will do this?
I will attach the file here.
Thu, 05/05/2022 - 14:47
css for dialog-cards
Hello IDInk,
I'm sorry, but then you will have to learn css or ask the developers to revise the css data for the integration of dialogue cards in a course presentation.
I have recreated this for myself and you are right. The image size doesn't change anything and I also looked into the corresponding css, but it's a bit confusing for me and I don't see here which components are responsible for this huge distance. Apart from that, my local change of the responsible css file would be destroyed with the next update anyway.
In my attempt, this spacing makes the maps unusable. But maybe another forum member has a solution. Let's see.
Thu, 05/05/2022 - 14:54
Images in Dialog Cards
Hello IDInk again,
use column, there you are be able to integrate dialog cards without any issues with the size nor function.
greeting villon
Fri, 05/06/2022 - 00:49
How do I use column and then
How do I use column and then integrate dialog boxes into it?
Fri, 05/06/2022 - 18:34
Hi IDInk,You can use Column
Hi IDInk,
You can use Column and add dialog cards as an activity/content.
@villon Thank you for the suggestion
Fri, 05/06/2022 - 19:19
How do I use column and then
Sers IDInk,
I know that every new experience and every new programme makes you feel insecure. And often there is no one to explain how it works. It's a real bummer. But I know from my own experience that the best way is to be willing to take risks and try out what is possible. In this respect, it would be a way for you to show more courage when trying out the different modules of H5P. Sure. Sometimes things don't work out, but you won't break a leg because of that. I just want to encourage you to try out more. It will work out.
Greetings villon
Sers IDInk,
ich weiß, jede neue Erfahrung und jedes neue Programm verunsichert einen. Und oft ist niemand da, der einem erklärt wie das funktioniert. Echt Mist sowas. Aber aus eigener Erfahrung weiß ich, dass der beste Weg ist, sich auch mal risikobereit zu verhalten und zu probieren was möglich ist. Insofern wäre es für dich ein Weg, mehr Mut beim Ausprobieren der verschiedenen Module von H5P zu zeigen. Klar. Manchmal klappt einiges nicht, aber deswegen wirst du dir kein Bein brechen. Ich möchte dir einfach Mut machen, mehr auszuprobieren. Das klappt schon.
Grüße villon