Is H5P free?

Nalin Wikramanayake's picture

I am sorry to ask this but I am totally confused.  I want to create H5P content and deliver through Moodle.  Do I HAVE to use (and pay) to do this?  Or is there some other way?


BV52's picture

Hi Nalin,

The H5P software is free by using one of the H5P plugins and hosting the contents yourself. On the other hand provides the hosting service as well as some premium content types and 24/5 support.



Is there a way to purchase single H5P content? Say I wanted to privatly use Course Presentation; is there a way to pay to have and use only this content, or does one have to pay for a whole month/year/life subscription?


villon's picture

Hello lborsotti,

du bist am falschen Ort. Lese doch bitte die FAQ auf, ebenso die Preisliste und dann überlege noch mal, ob du hier in diesem Forum wo es hauptsächlich um die Unterstützung  der opensource-Seite von Benutzern geht, so ganz richtig bist.

Hello lborsotti,

you are in the wrong place. Please read the FAQ on, as well as the price list, and then think again whether you are quite right here in this forum where it is mainly about supporting the opensource side of users.

Greetings villon

Nalin Wikramanayake's picture

Yes - it was a not clear at the begining - but I get it now.  I will ask our Moodle people to add the plugin and go from there.  Thanks so much - and sorry for the stupid question.

papi Jo's picture

Which version of Moodle are you using?