Content Unavailable

Our content is coming up as "Content Unavailable" here:

Were we caught in your spam filter? If so, can you please fix it and whitelist us?


Content types: 
otacke's picture


You're hosting the content yourself - how should the H5P core team be blocking anything on your site? You should rather check if that content with id #1 exists. Since you seem to be using the embed code instead of the WordPress shortcode that's supposed to be used to include H5P content on your own WordPress site, you should also make sure that (if the content exists) it's allowed to be embedded.


MeesterGijs's picture

Dear Otacke,

I have the same issue after creating a staging website: h5p quiz says content unavailable. Where do you allow embedding? Can't remember. And what else could it be?


otacke's picture


H5P should say unavailable if you try to embed the content on a different page but you disallow to embed the content anywhere. You would need to a) check the general settings for "Display Embed button" in the H5P plugin settings and b) check the settings for the respective content when editing it.


MeesterGijs's picture

I build a new staging website, didn't change anything and now it's fixed. I even have these settings at my live website:

What changed??

otacke's picture

Sorry, my glass ball is in repair :-D

MeesterGijs's picture

Forget it. Just happy it's working again.