New content type: Portfolio

otacke's picture

Hi all!

Today a new content type was made public: Portfolio. I do not know if and when it may be released on the H5P Hub, but there is a ticket for the H5P core team that you can track.



Nice addition of subchapters and the option for hotspot navigation!

otacke's picture

Thanks. It's not intended to be Interactive Book 2 though - the code has been changed vastly and there's no scoring as this is not required for a portfolio. The content type currently is in its first round of testing in practice at the university of Cologne, the university of Bochum and the university of Duisburg/Essen (who sponsored the content type) and will probably developed further based on the feedback.

BV52's picture

I'd say this content type looks AWESOME!

otacke's picture

Thanks, BV!

Dear Oliver


Excellent work as per normal.

I was very excited to see this addition, I see it is in Dev, mindful of this, I am slightly confused on how to use it - moreover from the student end rather than the teacher  Example being that it appears that a tutor has the ability to export the product (pending hosting platform permissions) but the student does not.  From my perspective it would be useful for the student to be able to extract the product.

I see and recognise you are not here to suit individual needs, although I feel this would be a big win for most.

I am in LMS management, course design, authoring and generally L&D, happy to offer up further feedback.

Whilst I have your attention, there is a real difficulty to find a plugin/program/ app to be able to record practical assessment types effectively - I wander if H5p have this on the radar - roadmap/JIRA?




otacke's picture

Hi Rufjay!

I am merely the contractor who developed the content type according to specifications. You'll have to reach out to the sponsors if you'd like to know why something was built this way exactly. I can only answer to the best of my knowledge here.

I am not sure what you mean by "a tutor has the ability to export the product". The designated use case is for students to be authors here. They are supposed to create portfolios. If you use it for some other use case, that's fine, too - but "Portfolio" is not meant to be "Interactive Book Plus". In that case, it's up for the "tutor" as you call it to allow downloading the content. That's not a restriction that the content type sets, but your H5P integration by setting in that way in general or the author by not allowing to download content. If you are referring to the export options: Yes, only authors can export the content. But I already mentioned that students need to be authors if they are supposed to create a portfolio.

I don't work for H5P Group, so I cannot tell you whether they are planning to create such a content type.


Hi Oliver


Thanks for rapid responce, It now makes complete sense - I was looking at it from the wrong angle.

In essence you present it as blank canvas for the Student to populate, export and exhibit where required.

Will look at my settings to see if it will work for me.


Thanks again


Kind regards

