Fill in the blanks bug

Problem 1: 1. There is an automatic check of answers, if everything is done correctly there is no way to press the “retry” button. so if a teacher does the exercise and wants to show the screen to student he is obliged to clean the cookies and cash 

Solution: add retry button even if everything is ok. Sometimes teachers are checking the tasks before giving them to students and sharing screen

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otacke's picture


Yes, close to all H5P content types don't allow to retry when all answers were correct.

There's nothing stored in the users cookies however (the software H5P doesn't use cookies at all) or a client-side cache. If you have the "save content state" feature activated, the state is stored on the server for logged in users. There it can in fact only be reset by the author and only for all users at once by opening and saving the content in the editor.

