Interactive videos - choice other than YouTube for hosted videos

Greetings -

I am creating many interactive videos for a college/community course. We use Moodle for our LMS. I don't want to host the videos on YouTube, as I have concerns about the ability of those videos to be easily downloaded, and we need to capture analytic information for our granting agency.

Each time I attempt to use a link to the video the result is "video format not supported." I have tried Google Drive, ScreenPal, and Box. I tried the directions in one of the other forums which explained how to use DriveToWeb as a work-around, and also made sure I added #.mp4 or #.webm to the end of the direct link to the video. Nothing has worked. 

Help would be greatly appreciated. We would prefer to use ScreenPal, if possible.

Many thanks.

Elizabeth Public link to sample video in Box  Direct link to sample video in ScreenPal

Embed code from ScreenPal:

<div id="som-player" class="som-embed-player" data-id="c0e6qJV4Fa4"><script src=""></script><iframe width=100% height=100% style="border:0;" scrolling="no" src="" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div> Public link from Google Drive

Content types: 
BV52's picture