Overall Feedback not showing for essay


I'm trying to figure out why the overall feedback for this question isn't shown when the user submits their response. Shouldn't the overall feedback be displayed regardless of whether the users actually used the keywords or not? 

Content types: 
otacke's picture


That was a bug that was triggered by the very low mastering percentage that you set. It was fixed in https://github.com/otacke/h5p-essay/commit/2f2410f7ad626ef086a2c7d43b724313a25d7bf2.

Please note that I do not have control over the release of the content type. The H5P core team needs to update the version on the H5P Hub.


Hi Oliver!

Oh nice! Thanks for your work on this-- hopefully the h5p team updates the library in the hub soon-- but just to clarify, in the meanteam the feedback should display if the mastering percentage is set to a higher percentage? 

otacke's picture

It should yes. The resulting mastering score is rounded unfortunately. In your case 1 % of 6 points maximum is 0.06, rounded down to 0 and that is what causes the trouble. Ensure that the mastering score will be rounded to 1 at least, then everything should work even with the bug still in place.