Hub suggestion

Hello H5P team,

As we start another wonderful year with H5P by ourside to support the teaching and learning, I want to start by saying thank you for all your efforts. Here is a suggestion that might help speed up the process of uploading h5p to the server, at the moment the OER Hub gives us the options to create/share/upload content. Is it possible to have another option that would say browse(export folder only) to load h5p from our own server? This way we can ftp content to the website making it a little faster to load. I am not sure if this is at all possible, but it seems achievable in my mind as all the h5p content seems to be saved in that export folder.

Hope this makes sense!



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Hi Farrisimin,

Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! There are developers in the community who every now and then work on a feature they find interesting or useful. You can also help by developing or help (crowd) fund the development of this feature.