H5P Drag and Drop bug

I created the H5P component for my website, now in front end I can see the Drag and drop module, but while I am trying to edit the filed of it through back end it not showing any fileds in task section. I will attach the task section screen short for further info.

Also in consol I can see the error

Uncaught Im Feld 1 fehlt die Eigenschaft "name".

ns.processSemanticsChunk @ h5peditor.js?ver=1.15.6:423

H5PEditor.widgets.dragQuestion.H5PEditor.DragQuestion.C.generateForm @ H5PEditor.DragQuestion.js?ver=1.10.21:502

H5PEditor.widgets.dragQuestion.H5PEditor.DragQuestion.C.insertElement @ H5PEditor.DragQuestion.js?ver=1.10.21:613

H5PEditor.widgets.dragQuestion.H5PEditor.DragQuestion.C.activateEditor @ H5PEditor.DragQuestion.js?ver=1.10.21:461

(anonymous) @ H5PEditor.DragQuestion.js?ver=1.10.21:293

success @ h5peditor-library-list-cache.js?ver=1.15.6:58

c @ jquery.js?ver=1.15.6:2

fireWith @ jquery.js?ver=1.15.6:2

k @ jquery.js?ver=1.15.6:4

r @ jquery.js?ver=1.15.6:4


Please help me to find the solution for this

Content types: 

Below I attach one more screen short, It will give the idea like how the task section shoul be look like