essay "show solution" button doesn't appear
Submitted by [email protected] on Tue, 04/16/2024 - 13:19
After adding an answer on essay and clicking "check" the "show solution" button doesn't appear.
When I activated the debuuger I saw that it should be shown by line 292 in the script (that.showButton('show-solution');).
In the debugger's watch I saw that "that.showButton" is not available.
If it helps, I tryed "this.showButton" and it is defined and available. (I'm adding a screen shot.)
We will appreciate very much quick help with this issue.
Thank you,
Wed, 04/17/2024 - 00:32
Have you added a sample
Have you added a sample solution in the editor? If not, there's no solution that could be sensibly displayed, and hence you wouldn't see the button.
[email protected]
Thu, 04/18/2024 - 12:38
A sample solution
Thank you for the very quick replay. We did add a sample solution. I'm attaching a screen shot.
[email protected]
Thu, 04/18/2024 - 12:25
A sample solution
Thanks for the very quick reply. We did add a sample solution in the editor. I'm attaching a screen shot.
Thu, 04/18/2024 - 18:32
Then it would really help if
Then it would really help if you shared a link to the content (ideal) or the content file itself (better than nothing). Diagnosing from screenshots is not feasible.
[email protected]
Sun, 04/21/2024 - 08:57
A link
Sorry, but we have very strict cyber security rules, so I can't attach a link.
I copied the json_content from the mdl_hvp table. Hope it will help.
{"media":{"disableImageZooming":false,"type":{"params":{}}},"solution":{"introduction":"<div>Example words<\/div>\n","sample":"<div>River waterfall lake pool<\/div>\n"},"keywords":[{"options":{"points":1,"occurrences":1,"caseSensitive":true,"forgiveMistakes":false,"feedbackIncludedWord":"keyword","feedbackMissedWord":"none"},"keyword":"lake"},{"options":{"points":1,"occurrences":1,"caseSensitive":true,"forgiveMistakes":false,"feedbackIncludedWord":"keyword","feedbackMissedWord":"none"},"keyword":"waterfall"}],"overallFeedback":[{"from":0,"to":100}],"behaviour":{"inputFieldSize":"3","enableRetry":true,"ignoreScoring":true,"pointsHost":1,"minimumLength":10,"maximumLength":100,"percentagePassing":50,"overrideCaseSensitive":"on","overrideForgiveMistakes":"on"},"checkAnswer":"Check","submitAnswer":"Submit","tryAgain":"Retry","showSolution":"Example","feedbackHeader":"Feedback","solutionTitle":"Sample solution","remainingChars":"Remaining characters: @chars","notEnoughChars":"You must enter at least @chars characters!","messageSave":"saved","ariaYourResult":"You got @score out of @total points","ariaNavigatedToSolution":"Navigated to newly included sample solution after textarea.","ariaCheck":"Check the answers.","ariaShowSolution":"Show the solution. You will be provided with a sample solution.","ariaRetry":"Retry the task. You can improve your previous answer if the author allowed that.","taskDescription":"<p>Words related to water<\/p>\n"}
Sun, 04/21/2024 - 16:43
Sorry, can't see anything
Sorry, can't see anything wrong with that configuration.
In screenshot #1, you can clearly see that after clicking the "Check" button, the "Show solution" button which was relabeled "Example" in your settings.
In screenshot #2, you can see the example solution text that was entered in the editor.
If that doesn't work on your end, then further investigation should take place there.