essay "show solution" button doesn't appear


After adding an answer on essay and clicking "check" the "show solution" button doesn't appear.

When I activated the debuuger I saw that it should be shown by line 292 in the script (that.showButton('show-solution');).

In the debugger's watch I saw that "that.showButton" is not available.

If it helps, I tryed "this.showButton" and it is defined and available. (I'm adding a screen shot.)

We will appreciate very much quick help with this issue.

Thank you,



otacke's picture

Have you added a sample solution in the editor? If not, there's no solution that could be sensibly displayed, and hence you wouldn't see the button.

Thank you for the very quick replay. We did add a sample solution. I'm attaching a screen shot.


Thanks for the very quick reply. We did add a sample solution in the editor. I'm attaching a screen shot.

otacke's picture

Then it would really help if you shared a link to the content (ideal) or the content file itself (better than nothing). Diagnosing from screenshots is not feasible.

Sorry, but we have very strict cyber security rules, so I can't attach a link.

I copied the json_content from the mdl_hvp table. Hope it will help.

{"media":{"disableImageZooming":false,"type":{"params":{}}},"solution":{"introduction":"<div>Example words<\/div>\n","sample":"<div>River waterfall lake pool<\/div>\n"},"keywords":[{"options":{"points":1,"occurrences":1,"caseSensitive":true,"forgiveMistakes":false,"feedbackIncludedWord":"keyword","feedbackMissedWord":"none"},"keyword":"lake"},{"options":{"points":1,"occurrences":1,"caseSensitive":true,"forgiveMistakes":false,"feedbackIncludedWord":"keyword","feedbackMissedWord":"none"},"keyword":"waterfall"}],"overallFeedback":[{"from":0,"to":100}],"behaviour":{"inputFieldSize":"3","enableRetry":true,"ignoreScoring":true,"pointsHost":1,"minimumLength":10,"maximumLength":100,"percentagePassing":50,"overrideCaseSensitive":"on","overrideForgiveMistakes":"on"},"checkAnswer":"Check","submitAnswer":"Submit","tryAgain":"Retry","showSolution":"Example","feedbackHeader":"Feedback","solutionTitle":"Sample solution","remainingChars":"Remaining characters: @chars","notEnoughChars":"You must enter at least @chars characters!","messageSave":"saved","ariaYourResult":"You got @score out of @total points","ariaNavigatedToSolution":"Navigated to newly included sample solution after textarea.","ariaCheck":"Check the answers.","ariaShowSolution":"Show the solution. You will be provided with a sample solution.","ariaRetry":"Retry the task. You can improve your previous answer if the author allowed that.","taskDescription":"<p>Words related to water<\/p>\n"}

otacke's picture

Sorry, can't see anything wrong with that configuration.

In screenshot #1, you can clearly see that after clicking the "Check" button, the "Show solution" button which was relabeled "Example" in your settings.
In screenshot #2, you can see the example solution text that was entered in the editor.

If that doesn't work on your end, then further investigation should take place there.