How to make the stage as cleared stage on game map


I just want to ask If how can I make the stage as cleared stage while other stages are yellow or need to clear  the stage? Right now, all of my stage are labeled as yellow or need to clear the stage. I see some example where there are stage that cleared stage by default and others are need to be cleared or yellow labeled.

Content types: 
otacke's picture


When you start a map, no stage is cleared by default. They are "unopened" (yellow). When a stage is cleared depends on the exercise content that you add to it and the roaming mode that you set:

  • text, images, or in general content types that do not use scoring: cleared once opened, no matter what the roaming mode is.
  • scored exercises:
    • cleared once opened if "Roaming" is set to "Roam freely",
    • cleared once completed if "Roaming" is set to "Complete to clear stage"
    • cleared once completed successfully (usually full score) if "Roaming" is set to "Succeed to clear stage"
