Image Hotspot accessibility errors
Hello. We publish a webzine for students, and we have been using H5P for certain interactive elements in our pages. We take accessibility to heart and so are happy that many of your content types are. We always make sure use those that are accessible, maintained by core team and browser supported from this page ( ). Last month we published one of our webzine with no accessibility issues in H5p. As we are preparing the next issues, we have noticed that Image hotspot is no longer accessible. With our accessibility checking tools we have discovered these two issues (see screen captures).
The two issues. 1) The hotspot button does not have an alt text tag in its html (or the option in the h5p interface to add one) so it is flagged as not being accessible. 2) Again, the next error is also on the button/image as our tools are saying that “ARIA role button is not allowed for given element”. The role button is added to the <img tag>. This is more an issue of best practice, but it was important to mention that.
This is also affecting our past issue which had passed the accessibility check ( Chronique voyage – ) See interactive map .
Fri, 03/07/2025 - 17:51
Hi bchampagne,Thank you for
Hi bchampagne,
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have filed a bug report and hopefully the development team finds a solution soon.
Fri, 03/07/2025 - 18:29
Hi bchampagne!While I fully
Hi bchampagne!
While I fully understand
"We always make sure use those that are accessible, maintained by core team and browser supported from this page ( )."
it also makes me sad. That quote suggests that my maintenance of content types was inferior to the maintenance of H5P Group. I'd claim it is not.