Single Choice Set Bug: White Screen=No Question Display
Submitted by leoceles1987 on Sat, 12/07/2024 - 09:23
May I know how to resolve the long-standing issue with single choice set? After attaching the shortcode on a page or an LMS, it simply works. However, for several times, in a set with multiple questions, say 10, it would suddenly display a blank screen with no questions at all! Users need to refresh the page to solve it but is it possible to just let this bug go away? Forever?
Thank you~
Mon, 12/09/2024 - 17:39
Hi leoceles1987,It would help
Hi leoceles1987,
It would help if you can provide all the information requested in this forum:
You can also use this blog as a guide:
Mon, 12/09/2024 - 17:59
Bug Report: Blank Screen
Bug Report: Blank Screen Issue in Single Choice Set
Basic InformationTitle:
Blank Screen Appears in Single Choice Set with Multiple Questions
Steps to ReproduceThe Single Choice Set works when attached to a page or LMS content. However, when a set contains multiple questions (e.g., 10 or more), it intermittently displays a blank screen with no questions. Users can resolve the issue by refreshing the page, and progress is saved after the refresh. However, this disrupts the flow of the activity, and a permanent fix is desired.
Expected Behavior:
The Single Choice Set displays all questions without interruptions.
Actual Behavior:
Impact and FrequencyA blank screen appears unexpectedly, requiring the user to refresh the page to continue.
- Impact: High. This issue disrupts user engagement and diminishes the reliability of interactive content in learning activities.
- Frequency: Occurs in approximately 1 to 3 instances out of 12 questions, based on user experience.
Environment DetailsH5P Content Type Name: Single Choice Set
Screen Resolution and Device:
H5P Integration:
- WordPress Integration: Latest version of WordPress
- LMS Integration:
- Tutor LMS
- MasterStudy LMS
Additional NotesBV52
Tue, 12/10/2024 - 17:26
Hi,Thank you for the
Thank you for the additional information. Can you also provide a link to the content?
Sun, 03/23/2025 - 09:33
Hi, sir. I cannot provide
Hi, sir.
I cannot provide link to the content because these contents are added to courses... I think, one of your team members can create a single choice set with more than 10 questions and try... The issue seems to be present esp when auto-next is enabled and when users answer questions quickly. But based on the comments in this thread, it seems that the issue is not just happening to my site. It seems like it is a common bug among users.
Hopefully, this gets sorted out already. Thank you
Mon, 03/24/2025 - 19:12
BV, I've not had time to
BV, I've not had time to investigate this yet, but I have encountered this from time to time as well with standard content (without auto-progression). It seems to be related to timing and clicking behavior.
Thu, 12/12/2024 - 15:32
Hello !Just so you know, I
Hello !
Just so you know, I experience the same "blank screen" issue on Signe Choice Set. The blank screen goes away with a simple refresh of the page indeed. It happens with any of my "Single Choice Set" contents but this behavior is unpredictable. (I'm using the H5P plugin on Wordpress, all versions are up to date ; it happens with Chrome and Safari).
Thu, 12/12/2024 - 16:32
Yes, and hopefully , it will
Yes, and hopefully , it will go away. Forever :)
Tue, 01/07/2025 - 10:18
Hi, just want to say that at
Hi, just want to say that at we experience the same blank page in Single Choice. It does not happen often, but it is of course very annoying for our students when they experience this. To refresh the screen solves the issue, but that is not a fix. I hope you can look into this.
Sun, 03/23/2025 - 09:30
Hello. The issue has been
Hello. The issue has been noticed since we first used h5p in 2021... Hopefully, it gets fixed already