Set custom aspect ratio of the Course Presentation


i would like to use some screenshots as background image in the Course Presentation. Unfortunately, the aspect ratio from the images and the Course Presentation are different. So i got edges. I try to fix it with css, but it didn't work well. To crop the images is also not a solution.

Is there a way to set the aspect ratio of the Course Presentation ?

Thank you for your work on this wonderful plugin.





Timothy Lim's picture

Hi, if you could send the screenshot or just the dimensions of it I could give it a go.

fnoks's picture

The Course Presentation content type is displayed using a 16/9 ratio (including the bottom toolbar). There is currently no way to change this without changing the JavaScript, which I don't recommend doing. So unfortunately, your only option is to crop the image (afaik).


thank you for the quick answer. :)

Too bad that I never work before with Java Script . I will submit a request in the feature request forum.

@timothylim: thank you for your help :)

We use screenshot with 1920x1080 (16:9). Unfortunately, we get in the view gray edges. Course Presentation with edges.


Many greetings and thanks


fnoks's picture

Have you tried using the background-image feature?

You also have the Active surface mode, which removes the navigation bar. This should make your 16:9 images fit exactly.

Hallo fnoks,

Thank you for your help. That was exactly what we were looking for :)



fnoks's picture

Great! :)


Came across this discussion, as I have the same problem with the aspect ratio of the uploded images. I'm making a course presentation, uploading each PPT slide as background image in jpg (10 in total). With navigation bar gone, when using Active surface mode, how can a viewer move between slides? Other than using go to slide on each slide.



Hello Newbie... did you ever manage to figure out how to navigate without this nav bar? I've just created a presentation and I can't figure out how to move back and forth... which seems kind of pointless!

Unfortunately, I haven't.
In the end I settled for nav bar (but with the wrong aspect ration and a bit blurry image).
It's a lose-lose option and should be fixed.