Grade in question set as a prerequisite for next module in the course


It would be nice to have the grade in a H5P question set to control if the student can be allowed to continue to the next module in the course. Both in Moodle and in Wordpress.

Is there anyone who know how this could be done in wordpress? A code for "as a student I must be able to see the next hidden module/webpage when I achieve 90% correct in questions set". And "as a student I want to see the correct answers after I have achieved 90% in the question set".

Thanks for any comments/help in the area!


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icc's picture

Hello! It sounds like you want an additional plugin that overrides the standard access controls for the content. I don't know that such a plugin exists yet, but it shouldn't be that hard to make. The results from the H5P content should be easily accessible for other plugins.

Optionally, you could try putting together something using an LMS, but I don't know if that will be able to track the score from the H5P properly.

I was thinking the same, it shouldn't be too hard to do. However with my limited coding skills it will take me weeks or maybe months to solve. So I was hoping that someone could help me or that it is an upcoming feature... Yes, I was thinking of using an LMS but the ones I have looked at have their own solution. And the quizzes or questions are not as good as H5P.