Moving forward with Moodle and accessibility

Enterprises, universities, high schools, consultancy houses, armies and many other types of organizations are throwing out their proprietary software  and switching to H5P. 

The H5P community is really starting to change the world of interactive content.

We now need to keep up the pace, and we are. Moodle is perhaps the most important open source LMS in the world and a perfect match with H5P. With the new H5P plugin for Moodle, made possible by Mediamaisteri and Joubel, we will finally be able to take the full step into the Moodle community. We hope to see huge adoption and lots of Moodle community members actively participating in the H5P community. The Moodle plugin is still in beta and with testing from the community, we hope to have a stable release candidate ready within a few weeks.

Instructions on how to install and test the beta version of the Moodle plugin are available on our documentation page on how to Setup H5P for Moodle.

The current release includes tons of changes. A lot is going on under the hood. Lots of accessibility improvements have been made and we'll continue with that in the upcoming release where we will merge in the code from the winners of the WWW/W4A hackathon and add more accessibility updates to it to improve the Arithmetic Quiz. There will also be UX improvements in many content types making H5P easier and easier to use for both authors and learners.

Community members have been amazing at spreading the word the last months. One week H5P was present at three conferences simultaneously according to Twitter messages. There is now thousands of websites using H5P and more and more are coming in every day. The more people that learns about and starts using H5P the more creatives helps push H5P forward.

Thanks to the massive adoption we're seeing the core team will be expanded with two new dedicated developers the next months (full time Joubel developers) and we hope to get more on board very soon.  Keep up the good work and help spread the word!

Do you want to help spread the word? Read more about what you can do on our Spread the Word page.