Need help to understand Attempt tracking (on Moodle)


I'm starting to use H5P on my University's Moodle installation and I'm encountering many difficulties to manage the Attemp tracking option and its link with the grading system.

DESIRED BEHAVIOUR: Students should receive a grade for their first attempt. However, the system should record the attempt ONLY WHEN COMPLETED THE ACTIVITY (answers to all the quizzes included in Interactive videos or Course presentation).

I enabled the attempt tracking and selected First attempt as grading method. However, the present situation is that if a student exits the activity for whatever reason (a break, browser shout down, etc.), the system records the grade even if the student saw just the first slide or a few second of the video (typically, accounting 0 points).

The only possibility t avoid arbitrary 0 points attempts is to use Highest attempt (or Last attempts) as grading methods.

The normal behaviour in Moodle (Lesson activity) is to consider the attempt open until the student reaches the last slide (but Moodle doesn't have a First attempt option). Any means to obtain the same result?

Many thanks!





otacke's picture

Hi Daniele!

The "First attempt" option that you mentioned leads me to assume that you are using moodle's core integration of H5P, not the H5P plugin for moodle. Only the latter was created by the H5P core team. The moodle core integration was created by the moodle team, so I think you should direct your suggestions to


Thank you very much! I hope that in the future the 2 projects could "un-fork"... Many thanks again


otacke's picture

Hi Daniele!

The moodle team might not have created their custom integration in the first place and instead have contributed to the H5P plugin, but I assume that there were both political and technical arguments against.

