Issues after library update

Hello everybody!

We used the hub to update the course presentation library to version 1.17 and we can't create, edit or visualize course presentation and/ or interactive videos now.

How can we force reinstall of the library now that the Hub is in place? Will all content be deleted if we reinstall the Drupal h5p module?

Any clue would be appreciated.

Instead of the Course Presentation editor, we see this:


The browser console shows these errors when I try to visualize content previously created:

1. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined

    at js_HMFZIToTBhX36Ptz74tBLHz4MYJbPDp3So4jeaEQF4Y.js:1509

    at js_HMFZIToTBhX36Ptz74tBLHz4MYJbPDp3So4jeaEQF4Y.js:2161

2. h5p.js?ow7amh:861 Unable to find constructor for: H5P.CoursePresentation 1.17

H5P.error @ h5p.js?ow7amh:861


3. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined

    at Object.H5P.on (h5p.js?ow7amh:1773)

    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (h5p.js?ow7amh:205)

    at Function.each (jquery.js?ow7amh:2)

    at init.each (jquery.js?ow7amh:2)

    at Object.H5P.init (h5p.js?ow7amh:92)

    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (h5p.js?ow7amh:2136)

    at c (jquery.js?ow7amh:2)

    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js?ow7amh:2)

    at Function.ready (jquery.js?ow7amh:2)

    at HTMLDocument.H (jquery.js?ow7amh:2)

icc's picture

Hi, this should not happen you shouldn't have to reinstall the module to fix this.

Could you click the link in the first error message so that the code of js_HMFZIToTBhX36Ptz74tBLHz4MYJbPDp3So4jeaEQF4Y.js:1509 is visible and then take a screenshot or copy of the failing code and paste it here (not the entire file). This should give us an idea of what is failing.

After that, you can try to force a reinstall of the Course Presentation library. 
1. Click the download button in the lower left corner of the example content I linked to.
2. Go to your local H5P settings page (admin/config/system/h5p) and enable the option that is labeled 'Enable H5P development mode' and save settings.
3. Upload the example content file you downloaded using the form available at the H5P Libraries page (admin/content/h5p). You should see a message telling you how many libraries have been updated (reinstalled).
4. Go back to the settings page and disable the option you enabled in step 2. 
Now, check if your content works.