Branching Scenario Starting Screen

Is there a way to not show the starting screen in a Branching Scenario? The one that says "Start Course"? I would like to embed several in a Canvas Page, and having to "start" every time, with an interface I can't figure out to modify (the green flag thing) isn't what I want.

I have uploaded two screenshots, the start screen I want to suppress and the question I'd like to show as the starting screen on an embedded branching scenario.


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Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi Deborah,

I'm afraid removing the start screen is not possible within the current features of Branching Scenario. However I think it is good to have an option to do so and I have moved your post to the Feature Request forum.


If there is a way to "up-vote" please share a link to the request.

BV52's picture

Hi Deborah,

This thread is already in the Feature Request forum. Also if you have an account you can also send a request to the developers by send an email to [email protected].