Embed spin file in Virtual tour (360)


I'm using the Virtual Tour (360)/H5P branching scenario to create an educational escape room. Students are required to click on an object, examine it (spin/rotate it around), then find a clue that is needed for them to progress to the next step. I'm good with creating a 360 spin file but don't know how to embed this spin file into the Virtual Tour, or whether that's even possible. Any advice/suggestion would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. 

To embed a 360 spin file into a Virtual Tour using the H5P branching scenario, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Prepare your 360 spin file: Ensure that you have a 360 spin file ready for embedding. This can be in a format such as HTML, JavaScript, or a specific 360 spin player format.

  2. Upload the spin file to a web server: You will need to host the spin file on a web server or a hosting platform. This will allow you to access it via a URL.

  3. Create the Virtual Tour with H5P branching scenario: Set up your Virtual Tour using the H5P branching scenario tool. Define the scenes, interactions, and branching logic according to your educational escape room design.

  4. Add a hotspot for the object: Within the Virtual Tour, identify the scene where the object is located. Add a hotspot or an interactive element (e.g., image, button, text) that represents the object the students need to click on.

  5. Link the hotspot to the 360 spin file: Edit the hotspot's properties or settings and provide the URL of the hosted 360 spin file as the target for the hotspot. This will create a link from the hotspot to the spin file.

  6. Configure the clue and progression: Determine how the clue will be revealed to the students. You can add additional interactions or branching logic within the H5P branching scenario tool to present the clue or enable progression to the next step once the students examine the object and find the clue.

  7. Test and refine: Preview the Virtual Tour to test the functionality. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure a smooth user experience and proper integration of the 360 spin file.

It's worth noting that the specific steps and options may vary depending on the Virtual Tour platform and the H5P plugin version you are using. Refer to the platform's documentation or the H5P community for more detailed instructions and support.

Remember to consider any copyright restrictions or licensing requirements for the 360 spin file you are using and ensure that you have the necessary permissions to include it in your educational escape room.


Thank you for your suggestion.This will force the hotspot to display in a new window/browser tab, am I right? 

Certainly! Here's a suitable reply:

Thank you for providing the detailed steps for embedding a 360 spin file into a Virtual Tour using the H5P branching scenario. It seems like a comprehensive process that requires proper preparation and configuration. It's important to ensure that you have a suitable 360 spin file in a compatible format and host it on a web server or hosting platform.

To summarize the steps, you would need to create the Virtual Tour using the H5P branching scenario tool, define scenes and interactions, and add a hotspot representing the object. Then, you link the hotspot to the hosted 360 spin file by editing its properties and providing the URL. You can also configure clues and progression within the H5P branching scenario tool to guide the students and enable them to move forward.

Testing and refining the Virtual Tour is crucial to ensure a smooth user experience and proper integration of the 360 spin file. Additionally, it's essential to be mindful of copyright restrictions and licensing requirements for the 360 spin file and obtain the necessary permissions for educational use.

Remember that specific steps and options may vary depending on the Virtual Tour platform and H5P plugin version you are using. It's recommended to consult the platform's documentation or the H5P community for more detailed instructions and support.

I hope this helps you in embedding your 360 spin file into your Virtual Tour using the H5P branching scenari

In the above replies, there are 2 links not related to H5P : they redirect to a law firm for the first one and to a dental service for the other. This seems to be spam, but maybe the provided answer and tutorial are right though.

BV52's picture

Thanks! The links have been removed.