Full Screen Bug in Presentations within Game Map

Dear all, 

I've noticed that there is a bug happening when using presentations in the game map. 

This is happening on both Chrome and Mozilla, I have also tested it on Safari Mobile:

1. Create Game Map and add a Course Presentation slide with any conent (I took an image)

2. Save changes and open the Game Map with the presentation

3. Click Full Screen on the presentation at the bottom right corner and exit the exercise stage.

4. Try to open the Course Presentation again. Contents are not displayed. 

In step 3 there is also no possibility for the presentation to be shown in full screen, is this going to be possible in future versions? 

Also, btw a bit out of topic: Is there any way possible to remove the progress bar on top of the map when embedding? 

Thanks in advance for the help. 



otacke's picture

Hi Tina!

Thanks for reporting. This was in fact a bug - the fullscreen button of exercises should not be visible at all. I have fixed the issue. So, no, unfortunately, because on Safari you cannot send arbitrary elements of the page into fullscreen mode, that's why you will never find that option in H5P contents where Course Presentation is used as subcontent. And no, the toolbar cannot be removed as it holds essential information for the user (lives, score, etc.).

Since it always takes some time until H5P Group releases an update on their servers, you can follow the instructions at https://www.olivertacke.de/labs/2024/01/17/new-features-for-gamemap/ (download the demo content, upload it to your site with admin rights) to install the update.
