Navigate to specific timestamp in an interactive video

Hi, how can I navigate to a specific timestamp in a video? So far I've been anxiously waiting with my hand on the spacebar ready to press pause :D

Is there an easier way to achieve this?

Navigate to specific timestamp in an interactive video
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BV52's picture

Hi theodorju,

Would this be when adding activities/contents inside the Interactive Video? If this is the case then you can use the "Display time" option when creating contents within IV.



Hi BV, 

Thanks for the reply. No that's not the case, my use case is that I have a lengthy video (close to 2 hours) and I want to see how the interactions appear.

For example, I know that an interaction is going to pop-up at 01:11:05, so ideally I would like to directly navigate to 1 or 2 seconds before this. However, in Wordpress, having no other way, I manually drag and drop the square that points to the current location in the video (sorry I don't know how this is called, I'm attaching a picture for clarification), but since this is far from precise I end up a lot of seconds before my desired location.

I know this may not sound like much, but for my case I have to do this many many times for many videos and so it adds up :P


BV52's picture

Hi theodorju,

You can click on the activity/content indicator (dot for text or circle for scorable item). It will even show the title of the activity/content when you hover your mouse over it. You can see this in the screenshot attached, I just don't know how to take that SS with the mouse cursor pointing at the circle.

