Improving analytics features for Moodle

Hi there,

My institution uses H5P through Moodle and we are currently trying to setup a set of activities for a convenor. One of the requirements that the convenor has to use H5P is that it is able to generate and save analytics for the instructors on which particular answers students got wrong/right, number of attempts to get correct, time taken etc. My understanding is that Moodle can only generate the overall grade, which is fed into LMS Gradebook.

My request is that the capability of H5P analytics through Moodle is increased to reflect the above and these can be exported in bulk. 

Many thanks,


Analytics, Moodle
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BV52's picture

Hi Vanessa,

Afaik these are possible. H5P emits data in the form of xAPI statements and you will need a plugin or custom code to listen to these statements and a data store such as a learning record store to save them in.

I highly recommend looking through these documentation:

