SCORM to H5P conversion

Is there a way to convert Scorm training into H5P?

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
BV52's picture

Hi Hugo,

I'm afraid this is not possible yet but Thanks a lot for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! We’re now working on something called the H5P supporter program allowing the H5P community to vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.


Hi, it just occurred to me that, were this possible, it would be a powerful workaround to a number of other feature requests e.g. PowerPoint & pdf import to Course Presentation, as it's straightforward to export from PPT to SCORM and to convert PDF to SCORM. H5P and SCORM wrappers are not wildly different and a couple of independent developers have (mostly) cracked H5P-SCORM conversion, so it might be a lot more manageable than the separate conversion/import tools. 

That is a good point and also why I have voted for this feature but not PowerPoint conversion. There are also numerous other content creation tools that can output content to SCORM, even if it is an old standard.

Hello guys, 
I am also looking for any software tool to convert the SCORM package to the H5P package. Have you got any leads in this?

otacke's picture

Fully converting SCORM to H5P sounds hard to do (impossible?) without some additional server side component that allows to upload files, because of how SCORM works.

Actually, I wanna convert multiple scorm packages to h5p, and extracting and recreating them will be too much tedious for me. If by some means it could be converted into h5p and then later I would edit them if something is needed. Is it possible?

otacke's picture

I could only repeat in other words what I just posted: Sounds hard and might be impossible without some extra server-side component that takes files and stores them on the server.