Hide some libraries from selector drop down list

I'm wondering if it's possible to keep libraries like Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks, and other quiz-type libraries enabled (i.e. not restricted) but prevent them from displaying in the Content Type selector?

For example, I only want those libraries to be used when creating larger content types, such as interactive video and course presentations.

The selector becomes a bit too long with all the enabled modules, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to create a single multiple choice content type without context.

An ideal set up would be a more graphic ui using buttons instead of a drop down - or just having a blank canvas to start with.

Does anyone know how to limit libraries from showing on the dropdown without restricting them?

Thanks for your help!

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tim's picture

Hi ymdahi, that's a great suggestion. The Core Team will be working on revamping content type selector in the coming months. 

If you would like to keep updated, you can follow h5p on twitter: https://twitter.com/h5ptechnology

Awesome, looking forward to seeing the updates. For now, I wrote a small workaround that does the trick:

in h5p/modules/h5peditor/h5peditor/scripts/h5peditor-library-selector.js around line 30:

// array to hold primary libraries for displaying end user.
var primaryLibraries = [
  'H5P.InteractiveVideo 1.14',
  'H5P.CoursePresentation 1.15',
  'H5P.ImageHotspots 1.5',
  'H5P.Questionnaire 1.1',

// add the indexOf lookup and only display libraries included in the array above.
if (this.defaultLibrary === libraryName ||
  ((library.restricted === undefined || !library.restricted) && library.isOld !== true) &&
  (primaryLibraries.indexOf(libraryName) > -1)

It would be nice to see an option similar to 'Restrict' that allowed site managers to select whether or not a library should be 'Displayed in Dropdown' or something like that.