Quotation to add a new H5P activity to course presentation: Assignment activity



For an university project, we still searching without success a H5P developer to make their project possible. We were thinking about the possibility to add iframe embeded into Course presentation (https://h5p.org/node/506295 ), and now we are thinking about  an other workaround : add a new H5P content : Assignment activity in Course presentation, similar to https://docs.moodle.org/36/en/Assignment_activity but in H5P.

User story:

As a teacher, I want a good ergonomy in my H5P course presentation or Branching Scenario on Moodle and allow students to upload documents (.odt, .ods, .doc, .xls) that I will evaluate later. I can use the the Assignment activity of Moodle, but for ergonomy reason and good user experience, I want the student don't leave H5P course presentation. I need also the possibility to check the files uploaded by the student, and give manually an evaluation to the student.

Technical solution :

Adding an H5P Assignment activity in H5P course presentation, and improve the Moodle plugin for H5P. With this the student can upload document, and the teacher can check all the documents of the students, and evaluate manually them.

If you can make this, please give us a quotation. You can contact us also by https://www.open-elearning.com/contact if you prefer.

Best regards


add a new H5P activity to course presentation: Assignment activity
Content types: