strange issue with missing library's.
I have a strange error, with H5P, and after much, much, much research, I stil don't have an answer...
we're using Moodle 3.5 as a platform, but... upgrading to 3.6/3.7/3.8 did NOT solve the issue unfortunately.
Reaching out to the community for the much appreciated help!
what's the issue(s):
1: interactive video not (allways) playing:
When I add an interactive video to my course, it shows in the editor:
After saving the content, It does not show:
Updating the library did not fix this issue. neither did changing the theme.
I did however got a error message in my console-log:
2: Drag and drop not showing editor:
in the content type "drag and drop", i'm not getting the editor:
As you can see, I get a [field:group:wizard:question] error, which I cannot seem to solve.
Also here: updating my libraries did not work...
Page is also not showing content:
and I'm getting console log errors too:
Can you help me with these 2 issues? I am stuck in trying solving this....
Thank you in advance,
Daniel Dubbeldam