How can I edit a library


Hello everyone,

I was wondering how I can edit a library. For example, what I wanted to do, was to remove the end screen of the Branching Scenario Library. I'm using Wordpress and I tried to edit files in the following path: /wp-content/uploads/h5p/libraries/H5P.BranchingScenario-1.1/scripts

but none of the changes seem to apply. I then noticed that cached files are created in the path: /wp-content/uploads/h5p/cachedassets

So this could be the reason why I don't see any changes happen. I also cleared the cache but still nothing changed. Is there a right way for me to edit a library?

Thank you in advance

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BV52's picture

Hi Tasos,

I think it would be easier if you use a PHP hook, to add your own CSS-file to the content type. Please visit the Visual Changes page for more details.


Hi and thank you for your answer,

I have already added my custom css file but I think that what I want to achieve, cannot be accomplished just with CSS. Because even if I hide the end screen there will still be a blank page in the end and an unnecessary "Proceed >>" button in the previous screen.

What I want is, the last thing the user will see to be a button with a specific url and a background image. So I can only think of two ways to do that:

1) Somehow utilize the button of the end screen which is used to restart the scenario and replace it with a custom url.


2) Set the button in the last scenario screen (e.g in a course presentation), and somehow remove the last "Proceed >>" button and the end screen with the restart.

So I am wondering, can the library files be directly edited (although maybe it's not best practice...) or my approach is entirely wrong and that is why none of the changes are taking effect.