360 tour

Hi guys,

First of all, thanks for your contributions on H5P.
I’m a really enthusiastic user. 

I want to ask you something on the subject of Virtual tour (360). I’m playing around with code my selves but I’m not a programmer.
I would probably succeed in making some changes in the code but chances are that reviewed by real programmers, my changes will never be merged to the code. Because of my question would be an important change also for other users..

Do you think it is possible to make the camera position (yaw & pitch) of a new scene depending on information given in the Goto element?
As it is now, a scene opens position set with the “set camera position” button. 
If you change yaw & pitch, the last values on the moment you use the Goto element are remembered. 
If you come back later from another direction, the scene will open in the same position you left it.
This can result in turning 180° relative to the previous scene.

For instance:
If you have a setup with two scenes, with a Goto element in each pointing at eachother, you can jump back and forth between the two scenes. 
But every jump you make, your global orientation is changed 180°. It makes it hard to navigate.
If it would be possible that, at the moment the editor is inserting the Goto element, he can set the yaw and pitch of the camera in the target scene, the Virtual tour would be so much better.

I ‘m doing a workaround now by adding every scene as many times as there are Goto’s pointing at this scene and use the “set camera position” button to set the yaw in the desired direction.
When there are other elements (text, images, video, audio,…) in the scene, these must also be copied resulting in a lot of work.
Controlling the yaw of the camera in the target scene of the Goto element would be a huge improvement.

Kind regards


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BV52's picture

Hi Dagwin,

Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! With the H5P supporter program the H5P community can now vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then work on a feature they find interesting or useful.



I'm a new happy user of virtual tour.

All go fine except that when I load a new scene, there is a delay.

So users have to wait for several seconds before enjoying the new scene. I tried WPVR which is faster to load new scene but it's got less options. That's the reason why I want to keep running Virtual tour .

Thanks a lot

BV52's picture

Hi jiemje,

Would you mind providing more details like:

  1. Where are you creating your content?
  2. Sample URL



I use the plugin H5P in wordpress.

I would like to have a better image quality too.

To show you, I did a comparaison between H5P and WPVR here : https://histoiresdedrone.fr/testvideo

If you can help me, this would be nice


Best regards

