Branching scenario - learning to describe a square (elementary)


This is one of my first test with H5P.
Here is a branching scenario, where the kids are invited to watch a video, and then test the basics with simple true/false question.

So the strucutre is : 1/ video 2/ branching question 3/ Course Presentation (with true/false questions inside differents slides).

There is a simple UX problem here : on the first steps, the kids have to click the Proceed button (Continuer in french) in the top right corner to progress. But inside the course presentation, they have to adopt another process (by clicking the slide at the bottom). My kids have always clicked on the "proceed button" after the first slide, and so jump to the end of the scenario without even seeing the next questions (next slides).

So is there a way to change that behavior ? For example by an options that allow to automaticaly switch to the next slide after seeing the result of the true/false question ? Or add a visual button inside the Slide, and adding a behavior like "jump to : same course, slide number X" ?


Another question : in the Interactive video, I can specify a start point for the video. Is there a way to do the same for the simple "video" node of the branching scenario (wich is simplier and better integrated in my opinion ?
And a good option could be to specify an end point to (for example here, the video ends with credits, and the kids have to wait a few seconds before the feedback button appears ; it would be better to specify and end point to the video, so I can display the feedback popup before the credits.

Thanks for your help. Eric

You can see it here :

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After a few research, I've found how to deactivate the bottom navigation through slide, and have added some "buttons" with the "Go to slide" anchor. For this point, I progress ;-)
But now, I get a strange behavior : the summary that came "as the last slide" don't show up anymore (and I don't have hidded it in the option. And when I get to my last "real/true" slide, I can't go anywhere else, even the "Proceed" button on the right corner have no effect.

And the score never show the good total.... but I don't have read the documentation for the scoring right now, so I will see it later.

Thanks and best regards from France. Eric

BV52's picture

Hi Eric,

Good suggeations! These features are not yet available in Branching Scenario. Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! With the H5P supporter program the H5P community can now vote for and fund the top voted H5P features. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then work on a feature they find interesting or useful.

For the summary slide I've reported this to the core team.