Multiple correct answer options in Flashcards

Hi community,

Having the ability to add a range of correct answer for flashcards would immediately make the interaction much more usable across a range of learning scenarios. Please build this!!! Having it like the Fill in the blanks Interaction where alternatives are separated with a / would be ideal.

An example of use could be:

Q: Where are you not allowed to use a mobile phone?

A: Forklift / A forklift / fork lift / in a forklift / In a forklift

What is the best way to get this on the dev plan?



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Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
otacke's picture


Done with | which is way more common to separate alternatives and will not mess with people who want to use fractions as an answer.



Hi !

I tried to implement this feature on my Wordpress website.

I upload these files (download from github) to replace the ones in uploads/h5p/libraries/h5p.flashcards 

But it doesn't work, I cannot add a range of correct answer for flashcards using |, for the existing activities or creating new ones.

Could you please help me ?

Thanks !

otacke's picture


Updating H5P libraries requires more than copying files. If you're lucky, you did not mess up your system and can get the changes to take effect by deleting the contents of the cachedassets directory.

