interactive book

Customize content types on H5P interactive book


Hi, I am a newbie. I was trying to making changes the content types available in H5P interactive book.

However, I could not locate the part of code on Interactive Book Github that allows adding content types on to Interactive Books (single choice, fill in the blank, drag and drop, etc). Could anyone point to me in which file does the interactive book link to the library of other content types? Thanks in advance!

interactive book not recognizing find the hotspot interaction as completed

Hi there, as you can see in the attached images, the interactive book is partially capturing the information about some find the hotspots interactions i have added and is considering them as completed in some places, in fact is sending the grade to the gradebook in moodle but is not marking them as complete in the summary page which is generating me a big issue with some learners who wants to see the 100% progress as they have actually done it.
