interactive book

Fullscreen for Embedded Interactive Videos


I am new to creating content with H5p. I am adding interactive videos onto the pages of an interactive book content type. I would like for the interactive videos to have the option for fullscreen. However, I cannot figure out how to consistently get the fullscreen button to be added to the interactive videos. It is kind of random for which interactive videos it is applying to at this time. 

Any suggestions on how I can control whether the fullscreen option appears or not? 

navigation link conflict - interactive book in Moodle

Hi there. I'm loving the new interactive book content type, but I think I've found a conflict when I bring it into a Moodle environment (3.9) - specifically with the ">" navigation link at the bottom right. Everything works perfectly here:, but when I bring it into Moodle, the ">" navigation link at the bottom right does not do...anything.

Wondering if this is a Moodle bug, or something in H5P. The top arrow works fine, which is odd.
