Branching Scenario

Accessing input data of a Branching Scenario


Dear H5P-community,


I´m using H5P in a wordpress environment on my website for creating a learning environment for students as Branching Scenario. As I want to do research about the learning environment, I´m highly interested in accessing the data (text, …) inserted by the users.


In the Branching-Scenario content type, I inserted a course presentation with an exportable text area inside. In this text area the users can insert text, but I didn´t find a way to access this input.


Video format not supported

danielapop's picture


Suddenly most mp4 videos uploaded in H5P (Moodle 3.5.17 Build: 20210308) are no longer loading for students due to 'Video format not supported' error. The format is 'unknown' when looking at the source file in H5P as an administrator. 

I cannot identify why embedded mp4-files gives the error "video format not supported" only when logged with the role 'student'. All videos load fine when logged in as an administrator. There are no issues with the video source URL. We've tested all browsers and couldn't see any difference.

Branching Scenario - ability to save/load the branching scenario tree in an XML file

Branching Scenario is a great tool. I was wondering if there is a capability to save a branching scenario tree to an XML file, and also be able to load it from an XML file. Branching Scenario is essentially a decision tree, and there are third-party decision tree software tools that can potentially generate XMLs in the Branching Scenario format. This would be a great addition for automatically authoring Branching Scenarios from third-party tools.

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